
onsdag 19 januari 2011

Gävle Containerterminal har stängt på grund av en allvarlig olycka?

Hur står det ställt i Gävle Hamn egentligen? Vårt poolföretag har en container som skulle ha kommit till Gävle för ett par veckor sedan, men som är försenad på grund av båtproblem och nu har vi fått det här mejlet från vår leverantör av frakter:

“Due to crane accident at Gävle Contaierterminal Tuesday evening on 18 January 2011, we now have a stop in all crane operation. During loading of a ship with cranes on deck crashed our crane with ship's crane with the result that a wheel set ended up outside the rails. Unfortunately, there was the accident with the Northern crane in dock South with the result that the second crane cannot be used for the operation. The consequence is therefore total stop of ship operation. Our assessment is that activities will not be started until Monday morning on January 24. We will provide current information about ongoing management. Due to inspection and repair work, we cannot allow any ships at berth during the repair period.

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